Number of toilets: 1
Number of showerrooms: 1
Charges tenant: 225
Number of months of rental guarantee: 2
Type of heating: Gaz (chau. centr.)
Charges (€): Communs, chauffage, eau.
Type of kitchen: Amer. équipée
Energy certif. class: D
Energy consumption: 180
CO2 emission: 36
EPC valid until: 10/26/2031 00:00
PEB date: 10/26/2021 00:00
Modalités de charges: Provision mensuelle avec régularisation annuelle
Room 1: 13m²
Room 2: 11m²
Living room: 33m²
Kitchen (surf): 8m²
- Property type: Apartment
- Offer type: Under offre (rent)
- City: Ixelles - Brussels
- Zip Code: 1050
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Year: 1978
- Elevator
- Cellars
- ID: 36517
- Views: 65